vineri, 26 martie 2021

Viento del sol


I am.

I am one with Universal Life Energy, it is flowing through me now, I feel it.

I absorb all subliminals, morphic fields and energies in their highest divine form at all times across all dimensions, realities, and timelines for my perfect outcomes.

I clear, cancel and delete every thought, belief, and emotion opposing my perfect visions, outcomes, results, and desires, and I choose to respond and fill these spaces with the perfect outcomes and beliefs of my desires.

I call upon the consciousness of my mind, body, and soul. I call upon my higher self. Connect with my subconscious mind, right now, and so it is. Remove from my subconscious mind, all programs, emotions, beliefs, and energies that oppose my goals, results, and desires. Remove from my subconscious mind all programs, emotions, beliefs, and energies that oppose any affirmations I absorb. Fill this space now with love, joy, abundance, happiness, and all positive affirmations and beliefs in this audio. Thank you. I am grateful.

I choose growth and victory.

From this moment onward, my subconscious mind responds to positive and constructive stimuli according to my desires.

I am creating a morphic and energetic field for myself with the intention of my positive and constructive beliefs, affirmations, and desires. Every second, minute, hour, and day, this morphic and energetic field grows stronger and stronger, to my optimal and perfect desired results. I feel it.

My subconscious mind repeats my desired affirmations an absolute infinite amount of times per second to my complete belief and perfect results.

My subconscious mind repeats my desired affirmations as fast and effectively as it can, and it’s speed and efficiency increases more and more with each repeat to my complete results.

The power of this subliminal increases more and more every second, I feel it.

My results multiply by absolute infinity every second. 

My results multiply more and more each second to exceed my perfect results.

I am joyful that I got my full results immediately.

I am immensely grateful that I gained my full results immediately.

I believe that the subconscious power which gave me these desires is now fulfilling it through me.

Subliminals function and work immediately for me.

I get subliminal results easily and effortlessly.

I am extremely suggestible and am now in the ideal state to absorb subliminal affirmations into the core of my being.

I have absolute protection against all negative influences.

The power of my subconscious mind is limitless.

My subconscious mind absorbs subliminal affirmations at any pitch, speed, or volume.

I choose for my body’s cells, DNA, structure, and function to change to suit these affirmations and my desires.

I am now full of infinite energy.

I immediately have control of my reality at a quantum level.

I immediately have my complete desired changes.





































Everything is getting better.

I love that everything is getting better.

I am so happy and grateful that everything is getting better.

I choose to have everything grow better and better.

Every second, everything grows better and better.

I feel that everything is getting better and better.

I see everything getting better and better.

Right now, at this very moment, everything is getting better and better.

Everyday is a beautiful day.

I love that everyday is a beautiful day.

Everything is going right.

I love that everything is going right.

I choose for everything to go right.

I am so happy and grateful that everything is going right.

Right now, at this very moment, everything is going right.

I am so happy and grateful that everything gets better and better.

Health and wealth are mine.

Power is mine.

Perfect Peace.

Perfect Existence.

I am surrounded by beauty.

I am beautiful.

I love that I am beautiful.

I choose to be beautiful.

I am so happy and grateful that I am beautiful.

Success and Perpetual Victory are mine.

Anything is possible.

I can.

I believe.

I utilize the emotions I feel from these affirmations to create my subconscious beliefs.

I live in harmony.

I love that I live in harmony.

I choose to live in harmony.

I am so happy and grateful that I am living in harmony.

I am power.

I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.

I feel my bone structure changing.

Every second, I feel my bones changing more and more into my ideal structure.

Every minute, I feel my bones changing more and more into my ideal structure.

Every hour, I feel my bones changing more and more into my ideal structure.

Every day, I feel my bones changing more and more into my ideal structure.

I love that I can feel my bone structure changing.

I feel sensations in my bones as the change into my ideal and optimal state.

I am so happy and grateful that my bones change more and more to my ideal structure.

I choose to change my bone structure to an optimally attractive position.

My bone structure changes more and more extremely rapidly, instantly, and for permanent benefit.

I love myself.

My life is perfect, it worked.

I love that my life is perfect.

I love that I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.


I am so happy and grateful that I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.

I choose to embrace the fact and reality that I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.

Feel your bones changing.

I feel my bones changing.

I choose to feel my bones changing.

Feel your body tingling.

I feel my body tingling.

I choose to feel my body tingling.

Feel your face tingling.

I feel my face tingling.

I choose to feel my face tingling.

I love that I can feel my bones changing.

I am so happy and grateful that I can feel my bones changing.

I am so happy and grateful that I can feel my body tingling.

I choose to feel my body tingling.

I love that I can feel my body tingling.

I am so happy and grateful that I can feel my face tingling.

I love that I can feel my face tingling.

See your face changing.

I see my face changing.

I love that I can see my face changing.

I am so happy and grateful that I can see and feel my face changing.

I feel tingles and sensations from subliminals immediately.

Every single second, I feel tingles and sensations from listening to subliminals.

I love that I feel tingles and sensations from listening to subliminals.

I am so happy and grateful that I feel tingles and sensations from listening to subliminals.

Every single second, I feel more and more tingles and sensations from subliminals.

Every day, I feel more and more tingles and sensations from subliminals.

By every second, the tingles and sensations from subliminals grow stronger and stronger.

Right now, at this very moment, I feel intense tingles and sensations from subliminals.

Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

I love that I grow better and better every day, in every way.

Every day, I choose to grow better and better in every way.

Every day, I see that I grow better and better.

Every day, I feel that I grow better and better.

Every single second, I grow better and better.

Every single second, I feel that I grow better and better.

Every single minute, I grow better and better.

Every single minute, I feel better and better.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow better and better everyday.

My life is perfect, it worked.

I am so happy and grateful that my life is perfect, and everything works.

I choose a perfect life, full of blessings and perfection.

I love that my life is perfect, and everything is solved.

I am filled with absolute joy, happiness and gratitude for my subliminal results.

I get subliminals results faster and faster every second.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my hormone levels are proportionally balanced and equalized for my perfect growth, health, masculinity, sexuality, and vitality.

I am so happy and grateful that my hormone levels are proportionally balanced and equalized for my perfect growth, health, masculinity, sexuality, and vitality.

I choose to have the freedom of effortless, everlasting perfection.

The sunshine of my mind creates beauty and progress.

I love that the sunshine of my mind creates beauty and progress.

I am so happy and grateful that the sunshine of my mind creates beauty and progress.

Positive successes dominate my every moment.

I keep my actions pure and my mind clear.

I live a golden life in a sun soaked field of victory.

I have faith in my abundance of all that is sublime and magnificent.

I have a glorious form.

I am astonishingly handsome.

I am handsome.

I am perfectly formed.

I am physically immaculate.

I am the highest ideal of perfection made manifest.

My body is solid, virile, and athletic.

By day and night, I grow leaner and leaner to an optimal, healthy, and my ideal body fat percentage.

I am majestic.

I love myself.

I am a glorious champion.

I am robust.

I am financially rich.

I am financially wealthy.

By day and night, I grow more and more wealth.

I am filled with gratitude now.

I am filled with gratitude and overflowing joy now.

I am full of beautiful and noble energy.

I am infinite.

I am worthy.

I am valuable.

I am bold.

I am confident.

By day and night, I exude more and more confidence.

I am a hero.

I am a champion.

I am noble.

I am a glorious champion.

I am the chosen worth.

I am statuesque.

I am a powerhouse of force and will.

I am high speed.

I am great.

I am motivated.

I am good looking.

I am masculine

Day by day, I become more and more masculine.

Every second, I become more and more masculine.

Every minute, I become more and more masculine.

Every hour, I become more and more masculine.

I love that I become more and more masculine.

I am so happy and grateful that I am becoming more and more masculine.

I see that I am becoming more and more masculine every second.

I feel that I am becoming more and more masculine every second.

I am captivating.

I am sexy.

I am seductive.

Day by day, I become more sexy and seductive.

I look hot.

Day by day, I look hotter and hotter.

I am gifted.

I am purposeful.

I am cunning.

I am sharp.

I am a genius.

I am a mastermind.

I am triumphantly dominant.

I am an elite level athlete.

I am a noble one, a conquering dominator.

I eat nutritious foods that produce dominance and vigor, and I absorb more and more nutrients day by day.

I make a habit of winning, and my exercise is triumph.

I possess every desirable quality, to the glorious extreme.

I make a habit of perfection organization and cleanliness.

By day and night, I grow more and more handsome.

I am the perfection of symmetry, exact proportion and beautiful strength.

By day and night, I grow more and more perfect.

Every second, my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider, I feel it.

Every minute, my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider, I feel it.

Every hour, my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider, I feel it.

I see and feel that my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider.

I choose to have my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider.

I love that my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider.

I am so happy and grateful that my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider.

By day and night, my shoulders and frame grow broader and wider to a level of optimal and ideal health and attractiveness.

I have broad and wide shoulders.

I easily immerse myself in self hypnosis or meditation to my ideal levels.

I have full results.

I feel the growth.

I have a small waist.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my waist grows smaller and smaller to my level of optimal and ideal health and attractiveness.

Every second, my waist grows smaller and smaller, I feel and see it.

Every minute, my waist grows smaller and smaller, I feel and see it.

Every hour, my waist grows smaller and smaller, I feel and see it.

By day and night, my waist grows smaller and smaller to an optimal and healthy level.

I choose to have my waist grow smaller and smaller.

I love that my waist grows smaller and smaller

I am so happy and grateful that my waist grows smaller and smaller.

By day and night, my body becomes more and more vascular to my ideal, and optimal and perfect health.

I am vascular.

Every second, I grow more and more vascular to my optimal level.

Every minute, I grow more and more vascular to my optimal level.

Every hour, I grow more and more vascular to my optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that I am vascular.

I love that I am vascular.

By day and night I smell better and better.

I smell good.

By day and night my breath smells better and better.

I have unstoppable willpower.

My breath smells great.

By day and night, my visualization and self hypnosis abilities improve more and more.

I am highly principled and just.

I am growing more stunning and stunning everyday.

I am valorous, courageous, and heroic.

By day and night, my charisma increases more and more.

I am charismatic.

By day and night, I attract more and more friends who share my insights and ideals.

By day and night, all of my relationships prosper more and more.

By day and night, I am filled with more and more passion.

By day and night, I am filled with more and more joy.

I have unlimited faith in the infinite possibilities of my glorious life.

By day and night, I am becoming more and more extroverted.

I am extroverted.

I am sociable.

By day and night, I am becoming more and more sociable.
By day and night, my voice grows deeper and deeper to my ideal tone.

I have a deep voice.

I have a very deep voice.

I have an extremely deep voice.

My deep voice grows deeper and deeper.

Every second, my voice grows deeper and deeper.

Every minute, my voice grows deeper and deeper.

Every hour, my voice grows deeper and deeper.

I choose to have my voice grow deeper and deeper.

I love that my voice grows deeper and deeper.

I am so happy and grateful that my voice grows deeper and deeper.

By day and night, my voice grows deeper and deeper.

By day and night, my voice grows sexier and sexier to my ideal.

By day and night, I am becoming more and more charming.

I am charming.

I am irresistible.

I am alluring.

I am attractive.

I am sexy.

By day and night, I am becoming more and more irresistible.

By day and night, I am becoming more and more alluring.

By day and night, my intelligence grows more and more.

By day and night, I am becoming more and more attractive.

By day and night, I am being prospered in all my interests.

By day and night, my willpower increases more and more.

By day and night, I am becoming sexier and sexier.

My inner world is my palace, where I have absolute dominion and control.

I am dominant.

I make a daily practice of focusing myself.

I free myself from distractions.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I become more and more intuitive day and night.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I become more and more perceptive day and night.

I am stoic

I am invincible.

I retain control.

I am victorious.

I am blessed.

I am sexually confident.

By day and night, I become more and more sexually confident.

By day and night, I am growing taller and taller.

I am tall.

I am wealthy.

I like money. I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. I release it with joy, and it returns a thousand fold.

The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life.

The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me everything I need to know at all times, everywhere.

I have a low and straight hairline.

Every second, my hairline grows lower and lower to an optimal, attractive and ideal level.

Every minute, my hairline grows lower and lower to an optimal, attractive and ideal level.

Every hour, my hairline grows lower and lower, to an optimal, attractive and ideal level.

I choose to have my hairline grow lower and lower to my optimal level.

By day and night, my hairline grows lower and lower to an optimal, attractive, and ideal level.

I have a low and straight hairline.

Right now, at this very moment, I have a low and straight hairline.

I love the fact that I have a low, straight hairline.

I love that my hairline grows lower and lower to my optimal level.

I am immensely happy and grateful that I have a low, straight hairline.

I am immensely happy and grateful that my hairline grows lower and lower to my optimal level.

By day and night, my facial features grow more and more masculine and dimorphic.

Every second, my facial features grow more and more masculine and dimorphic, I feel it.

Every minute, my facial features grow more and more masculine and dimorphic, I feel it.

Every hour, my facial features grow more and more masculine and dimorphic, I feel it.

I see and feel that my facial features grow more and more masculine and dimorphic.

My facial features are masculine and dimorphic.

Right now, at this very moment, my facial features grow more masculine and dimorphic to my ideal level.

I choose to have masculine and dimorphic facial features.

I love that my facial features grow more and more masculine and dimorphic.

I am so happy and grateful that my facial features grow more and more masculine and dimorphic.

By day and night, my hair grows stronger and thicker to an optimal, attractive, and ideal level.

Every second, my hair grows stronger and thicker to my ideal level.

Every minute, my hair grows stronger and thicker to my ideal level.

Every hour, my hair grows stronger and thicker to my ideal level.

I have strong and thick hair stands and follicles.

I love that I have strong and thick hair.

I am so happy and grateful that I have strong and thick hair.

I choose to have strong and thick hair.

Right now, at this very moment, I have strong and thick hair.

By day and night, my hair texture changes more and more to my ideal texture.

Every second, my hair texture changes more and more to my ideal texture, I see it.

Every minute, my hair texture changes more and more to my ideal texture, I see it.

Every hour, my hair texture changes more and more to my ideal texture, I see it.

I love that I have my ideal hair texture.

I am so happy and grateful that I have my ideal hair texture.

I choose to have my ideal hair texture.

Right now, at this very moment, I have my ideal hair texture.

By day and night, my hair porosity changes more and more to my ideal porosity.

Every second, my hair porosity changes more and more to my ideal porosity.

Every minute, my hair porosity changes more and more to my ideal porosity.

Every hour, my hair porosity changes more and more to my ideal porosity.

I choose to have my ideal hair porosity.

Right now, at this very moment, I have my ideal hair porosity.

I love that I have my ideal hair porosity.

I have my ideal hair porosity.

I am so happy and grateful that I have my ideal hair porosity.

By day and night, my hair grows longer and fuller to my ideal length, I see it.

Every second, my hair grows longer and fuller to my ideal length, I see it.

Every minute, my hair grows longer and fuller to my ideal length, I see it.

Every hour, my hair grows longer and fuller to my ideal length, I see it.

I choose to have my ideal hair length.

Right now, at this very moment, I have my ideal hair length.

I love that I have my ideal hair length.

I have my ideal hair length.

I am so happy and grateful that I have my ideal hair length.

By day and night, my hair changes more and more to my ideal and optimal color, I see it.

Every second, my hair changes more and more to my ideal and optimal color, I see it.

Every minute, my hair changes more and more to my ideal and optimal color, I see it.

Every hour, my hair changes more and more to my ideal and optimal color, I see it.

I choose to have my ideal hair color.

Right now, at this very moment, I have my ideal hair color.

I love that I have my ideal hair color.

I have my ideal hair color.

I am so happy and grateful that I have my ideal hair color.

By day and night, my hair grows more and more perfectly on all areas of my scalp.

Every second, my hair grows more and more perfectly on all areas of my scalp.

Every minute, my hair grows more and more perfectly on all areas of my scalp.

Every hour, my hair grows more and more perfectly on all areas of my scalp.

I choose to have perfect hair growth and health.

Right now, at this very moment, I have perfect hair growth and health.

I love that I have perfect hair growth and health.

I have perfect hair growth and health.

I am so happy and grateful that I have perfect hair growth and health.

By day and night, my hair grows more and more healthy and perfectly.

Every second, my hair grows more and more healthy and perfectly.

Every minute, my hair grows more and more healthy and perfectly.

Every hour, my hair grows more and more healthy and perfectly.

I choose to have perfect hair growth and health.

Right now, at this very moment, I have perfect hair growth and health.

I love that I have perfect hair growth and health.

I have perfect hair growth and health.

I am so happy and grateful that I have perfect hair growth and health.

By day and night, my blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function are restored to perfection in my body and scalp.

Every second, my blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function are restored to perfection in my body and scalp.

Every minute, my blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function are restored to perfection in my body and scalp.

Every hour, my blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function are restored to perfection in my body and scalp.

I choose to have perfect blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function in my body and scalp.

Right now, at this very moment, I have perfect blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function in my body and scalp.

I love that I have perfect blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function in my body and scalp.

I have perfect blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function in my body and scalp.

I am so happy and grateful that I have perfect blood flow, lymph function, relaxation, and drainage function in my body and scalp.

By day and night, toxins and buildup are perfectly removed from my scalp and body.

By day and night, toxins and buildup are perfectly removed from my scalp and body.

Every second, toxins and buildup are perfectly removed from my scalp and body.

Every minute, toxins and buildup are perfectly removed from my scalp and body.

Every hour, toxins and buildup are perfectly removed from my scalp and body.

I choose to be free of toxins and buildup in my scalp and body.

I am so happy and grateful that I am free from toxins and buildup in my body and scalp.

I love that my body and scalp are free of toxins and buildup.

By day and night, my hair and body grows more and more healthier.

My hair is moisturized and silky.

By day and night, my hair grows more and more moisturized, silky, and soft to an optimal, healthy, and attractive level.

By day and night, my hair grows more and more silky and moisturized.

Every second, my hair grows more and more silky and moisturized.

Every minute, my hair grows more and more silky and moisturized.

Every hour, my hair grows more and more silky and moisturized.

I choose to have silky and moisturized hair.

Right now, at this very moment, I have silky and moisturized hair.

I love that I have silky and moisturized hair.

I have silky and moisturized hair.

I am so happy and grateful that I have silky and moisturized hair.

My hormones are optimally and proportionally balanced for my perfect health.

My estrogen levels are reduced more and more to a safe and optimal level.

By day and night, my estrogen levels are reduced more and more to a safe and optimal level.

Every second, my estrogen levels are reduced more and more to a safe and optimal level.

Every minute, my estrogen levels are reduced more and more to a safe and optimal level.

Every hour, my estrogen levels are reduced more and more to a safe and optimal level.

I choose to have healthy and optimally low estrogen levels.

My estrogen levels are reducing.

Right now, at this very moment, I have healthy and optimally low estrogen levels.

I love that I have healthy and optimally low estrogen levels.

I have healthy and optimally low estrogen levels.

I am so happy and grateful that I have healthy and optimally low estrogen levels.

My testosterone levels increase more and more to an optimal level.

My testosterone levels are increasing.

By day and night, my testosterone levels increase more and more to an optimal and healthy level.

Every second, my testosterone levels increase more and more to an optimal and healthy level.

Every minute, my testosterone levels increase more and more to an optimal and healthy level.

Every hour, my testosterone levels increase more and more to an optimal and healthy level.

I choose to have healthy and optimally high testosterone levels.

Right now, at this very moment, I have healthy and optimally high testosterone levels.

I love that I have healthy and optimally high testosterone levels.

I have healthy and optimally high testosterone levels.

I am so happy and grateful that I have healthy and optimally high testosterone levels.

My androgen receptors are sensitized more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

By day and night, my androgen receptors are sensitized more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my androgen receptors are sensitized more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my androgen receptors are sensitized more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my androgen receptors are sensitized more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose to have high androgen receptor density and sensitivity.

Right now, at this very moment, I have high androgen receptor density and sensitivity.

I love that I have high androgen receptor density and sensitivity.

I have high androgen receptor density and sensitivity.

I am so happy and grateful that I have high androgen receptor density and sensitivity.

Through infinite intelligence, my spine is aligned more and more perfectly.

By day and night, my spine is stretched and aligned more and more to an optimal and healthy position and ideal height.

Every second, my spine is stretched and aligned more and more to an optimal and healthy position and ideal height.

Every minute, my spine is stretched and aligned more and more to an optimal and healthy position and ideal height.

Every hour, my spine is stretched and aligned more and more to an optimal and healthy position and ideal height.

I choose to have a perfectly healthy, aligned, and stretched spine to my ideal height.

Right now, at this very moment, I have a perfectly healthy, aligned, and stretched spine to my ideal height.

I love that I have a perfectly healthy, aligned, and stretched spine to my ideal height.

I have a perfectly healthy, aligned, and stretched spine to my ideal height.

I am so happy and grateful that I have a perfectly healthy, aligned, and stretched spine to my ideal height.

Day by day, my spine is stretched and aligned to a healthy and optimal position.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my growth plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for height growth.

By day and night, my growth plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

Every second, my growth plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

Every minute, my growth plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

Every hour, my growth plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

I choose to have open growth plates for my ideal height growth.

Right now, at this very moment, I have open growth plates for my ideal height growth.

I love that I have open growth plates for my ideal height growth.

I have open growth plates for my ideal height growth.

I am so happy and grateful that I have open growth plates for my ideal height growth.

I see and feel that I have open growth plates for my ideal height growth.

My growth plates open more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my epiphyseal plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

Every second, my epiphyseal plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

Every minute, my epiphyseal plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

Every hour, my epiphyseal plates open more and more to a safe and healthy level for my ideal height growth.

I choose to have open epiphyseal plates for my ideal height growth.

Right now, at this very moment, I have open epiphyseal plates for my ideal height growth.

I love that I have open epiphyseal plates for my ideal height growth.

I have open epiphyseal plates for my ideal height growth.

I am so happy and grateful that I have open epiphyseal plates for my ideal height growth.

I see and feel that I have open epiphyseal plates for my ideal height growth.

My epiphyseal plates open more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my posture is perfectly aligned and corrected.

Every second, my posture is perfectly aligned and corrected.

Every minute, my posture is perfectly aligned and corrected.

Every hour, my posture is perfectly aligned and corrected.

I choose to have my posture perfectly aligned and corrected.

Right now, at this very moment, I have my posture perfectly aligned and corrected.

I love that I have my posture perfectly aligned and corrected.

I have my posture perfectly aligned and corrected.

I am so happy and grateful that I have my posture perfectly aligned and corrected.

I see and feel that I have my posture perfectly aligned and corrected.

My posture is perfectly aligned and corrected more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

Every second, I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

Every minute, I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

Every hour, I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

I choose to grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

I love that I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

I see and feel that I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I grow taller and taller to my ideal, optimal, and healthy level.

By day and night, I grow taller and bigger to my ideal height, proportions and optimal health.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my body renders all toxins, xenoestrogens, and endocrine disruptors harmless.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

By day and night, my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

Every second, my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

Every minute, my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

Every hour, my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

I choose for my growth hormones to increase more and more to a healthy, optimal and ideal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

I love that my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

I see and feel that my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level.

my growth hormones increase more and more to a healthy, optimal, and ideal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I choose to hold proper and optimal body, head, and oral posture at all times. 

By day and night, I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

Every second, I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

Every minute, I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

Every hour, I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

I choose to hold proper mewing and oral posture.

Right now, at this very moment, I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

I love that I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

I am so happy and grateful that I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

I see and feel that I hold proper mewing and oral posture.

I hold proper mewing and oral posture more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my libido to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

My libido increases more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

My sex drive increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

By day and night, my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my human growth hormone levels to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my human growth hormone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

I have high human growth hormone levels.

By day and night, my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my insulin-growth factor levels to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

I have high insulin-growth factor levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my insulin-growth factor levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

By day and night, my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my androgen hormones to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my androgen hormones increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have high androgen hormone levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

By day and night, my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my nitric oxide levels to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my nitric oxide levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have high nitric oxide levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

By day and night, my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my dihydrotestosterone levels to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my dihydrotestosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my dihydrotestosterone levels increase harmoniously and synergistically with my testosterone levels.

I have high dihydrotestosterone levels.

My testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

By day and night, my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my testosterone levels to be free from toxins and to increase more and more to a healthy optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have high testosterone levels.

My testosterone levels are free from toxins to increase.

By day and night, my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my testosterone levels to increase more and more to a healthy optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my testosterone levels increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have high testosterone.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my aromatization is reduced more and more to a low, healthy, and optimal level.

By day and night, my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every second, my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every minute, my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every hour, my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I choose for my aromatization to be reduced more and more to low, healthy optimal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I love that my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I see and feel that my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

my aromatization is reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have low and optimal aromatization levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my estrogen receptors are reduced more and more to a low, healthy, and optimal level.

By day and night, my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every second, my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every minute, my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every hour, my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I choose for my estrogen receptors and levels to be reduced more and more to low, healthy optimal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I love that my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I see and feel that my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

my estrogen receptors and levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have low estrogen receptors and levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my stress hormones are reduced more and more to a low, healthy, and optimal level.

By day and night, my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every second, my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every minute, my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every hour, my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I choose for my stress hormones to be reduced more and more to low, healthy optimal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I love that my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I see and feel that my stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

My stress hormones are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have low stress hormone levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to a low, healthy, and optimal level.

By day and night, my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every second, my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every minute, my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

Every hour, my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I choose for my cortisol levels to be reduced more and more to low, healthy optimal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I love that my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

I see and feel that my cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels.

My cortisol levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy and optimal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have low and optimal cortisol levels.

By day and night, my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

Every second, my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

Every minute, my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

Every hour, my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

I choose to have my prolactin levels reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels. 

I love that my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

I see and feel that my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

my prolactin levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

Every second, my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

Every minute, my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

Every hour, my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

I choose to have my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels reduced more and more to low healthy, and optimal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels. 

I love that my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

I see and feel that my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels.

my norepinephrine and epinephrine levels are reduced more and more to low, healthy, and optimal levels rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

Every second, my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

Every minute, my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

Every hour, my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

I choose to have my melatonin production and levels increase for my optimal height growth.

Right now, at this very moment, my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized. 

I love that my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

I am so happy and grateful that my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

I see and feel that my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized.

my hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and testicular axis are regenerated, restored to perfect health and optimal function, and are superhumanly energized rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

By day and night, my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every second, my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every minute, my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Every hour, my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I choose for my androgen to receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I love that my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

I see and feel that my androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level.

My androgen receptors increase more and more to a healthy and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have a high density and sensitive androgen receptors.

I have high androgen receptor levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

By day and night, my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

Every second, my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

Every minute, my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

Every hour, my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

I choose for my pheromones to smell more and more pleasant.

Right now, at this very moment, my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

I love that my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

I am so happy and grateful that my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

I see and feel that my pheromones smell more and more pleasant.

My pheromones smell more and more pleasant more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

By day and night, I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every second, I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every minute, I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every hour, I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I choose to produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I love that I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I see and feel that I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androsterone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

By day and night, I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every second, I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every minute, I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every hour, I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I choose to produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I love that I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I see and feel that I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androstenol to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

By day and night, I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every second, I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every minute, I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every hour, I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I choose to produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I love that I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I see and feel that I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androstenone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every second, I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every minute, I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Every hour, I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I choose to produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Right now, at this very moment, I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I love that I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I am so happy and grateful that I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I see and feel that I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I produce more and more androstadienone to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my androstenone and androstadienone are at harmonious, balanced and optimal levels.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my hormones are balanced proportionally to a healthy, harmonious, and optimal level.

My hormones are balanced proportionally to a healthy, harmonious and optimal level.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my thyroid function increases more and more to a healthy and harmonic level.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my endocrine function increases more and more to a healthy and harmonic level.

My hormone function increases more and more to a healthy and harmonic level.

Day by day, I become healthier and healthier. 

I am healthy.

Every day, my manifestation abilities get stronger and stronger.

Day by day, my skin grows clearer and clearer to a glowing, radiant complexion.

I have clear, glowing, and radiant skin.

Day by day, my skin is healed more and more to a shining, youthful and even complexion.

I have a shining, youthful and even complexion.

My skin, tendons, bones, and muscles are regenerated.

By day and night, my skin grows more and more smoother to perfection.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

By day and night, My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

Every second, My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

Every minute, My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

Every hour, My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

I choose to expand my palate width and intermolar width more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

Right now, at this very moment, My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

I love that My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

I am so happy and grateful that My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

I see and feel that My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level.

My palate width and intermolar width expands more and more to a healthy, optimal, and attractive level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have a wide palate width.

I have a wide intermolar width.

My teeth are perfectly aligned and healed.

My bite is perfectly aligned, optimal, and healed.

By day and night, my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

Every second, my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

Every minute, my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

Every hour, my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

I choose to have my face grow more and more angular.

Right now, at this very moment, my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

I love that my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

I am so happy and grateful that my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

I see and feel that my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level.

my face grows more and more angular to an optimal and attractive level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

My face is angular.

I have an extremely angular face.

I have sharp, defined and angular features.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my face grows more and more angular to a healthy and optimal level.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my skull grows more and more masculine to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

By day and night, my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

Every second, my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

Every minute, my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

Every hour, my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

I choose to have my supraorbital ridge grow more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

Right now, at this very moment, my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

I love that my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

I am so happy and grateful that my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

I see and feel that my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes.

my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to form a prominent brow ridge and hunter eyes more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have a prominent brow ridge.

I have hunter eyes.

I have a forward, prominent supraorbital ridge.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, my supraorbital ridge grows more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

By day and night, my limbal rings grow more and more to my ideal attractiveness and health.

I have prominent and defined limbal rings.

By day and night, my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

Every second, my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

Every minute, my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

Every hour, my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

I choose to have my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

Right now, at this very moment, my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

I love that my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

I am so happy and grateful that my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

I see and feel that my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive.

my hunter eyes grow more and more attractive more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my hunter eyes become more and more attractive.

My temporalis and masseter muscles are strong and balanced, and I use them in an optimal way.

By day and night, my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

By day and night, my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every second, my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every minute, my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every hour, my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I choose to have my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Right now, at this very moment, my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I love that my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I am so happy and grateful that my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I see and feel that my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my infraorbital bones become more and more angular and compact to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my infraorbital bones grow more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

By day and night, my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

By day and night, my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every second, my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every minute, my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every hour, my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I choose to have my mandible grow wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Right now, at this very moment, my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I love that my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I am so happy and grateful that my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I see and feel that my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my mandible grows wider and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

By day and night, my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every second, my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every minute, my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every hour, my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I choose to have my maxilla grow more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Right now, at this very moment, my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I love that my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I am so happy and grateful that my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I see and feel that my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I have a wide, forward, and upward grown maxilla.

I have a wide and forward grown mandible.

I have wide and prominent cheekbones and zygomatic bones.

my maxilla grows more upward, wider and forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

By day and night, my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every second, my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every minute, my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every hour, my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I choose to have my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Right now, at this very moment, my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I love that my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I am so happy and grateful that my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I see and feel that my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my cheekbones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every second, my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every minute, my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Every hour, my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I choose to have my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

Right now, at this very moment, my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I love that my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I am so happy and grateful that my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

I see and feel that my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

my infraorbital rim bones and zygomatic bones grow more and more forward to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, I grow more and more of an aegyo sal to an optimal and attractive level.

By day and night, my zygomatic bones grow upward, forward and laterally to my ideal attractiveness and optimal health.

By day and night, my chin grows wider and wider to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

By day and night, my chin grows more and more prominent and forward to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

By day and night, my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

Every second, my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

Every minute, my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

Every hour, my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

I choose to have my chin grow more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

Right now, at this very moment, my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

I love that my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

I am so happy and grateful that my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

I see and feel that my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level.

my chin grows more and more forward, tall, prominent, and wide to an optimally healthy and attractive level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have a wide chin.

I have a tall chin.

I have a forward, prominent chin.

I have a forward grown upper maxilla.

My zygomatic bones and cheekbones remain the widest part of my face.

I have a perfectly symmetric and harmonious face and body.

By day and night, my teeth grow healthier and cleaner.

By day and night, my teeth are aligned more and more to an optimal level of perfection

By day and night, my body is aligned more and more to the perfect and optimal design of infinite intelligence.

I have perfect, strong, functional, superhuman and huge front, side, and rear deltoid muscles.

Every second, minute, hour and day, I see and feel my front, side, and rear deltoid muscles growing to my ideal and optimal size.

I have perfect, strong, functional, superhuman and huge trapezius, latissimus, erector spinae, psoas and infraspinatus muscles.

Every second, minute, hour and day, I see and feel my trapezius, latissimus, erector spinae, psoas and infraspinatus muscles growing to my ideal and optimal size.

I have perfect, strong, functional, superhuman and huge bicep, tricep, and forearm muscles.

Every second, minute, hour and day, I see and feel my bicep, tricep, and forearm muscles growing to my ideal and optimal size.

I have perfect, strong, functional, superhuman and huge upper and lower chest muscles.

Every second, minute, hour and day, I see and feel my upper and lower chest muscles growing to my ideal and optimal size.

I have perfect, strong, functional, superhuman and huge neck, glute, calf, quad, and hamstring muscles.

Every second, minute, hour and day, I see and feel my neck, glute, calf, quad, and hamstring muscles growing to my ideal and optimal size.

All muscles in my body are strengthened and perfected to my optimal function, health, and ideal physique.

I have perfect and prominent abs easily and effortlessly.

My face is extremely lean.

I am extremely lean.

I grow leaner and leaner while gaining muscle mass to an optimal and healthy level.

I have wide clavicles. 

My clavicles grow wider and wider every second, minute, hour, and day, I feel it.

My clavicles grow more and more to an optimally attractive and healthy level.

I have a very low body fat percentage.

I have perfectly aesthetic muscle proportions and insertions and they grow more perfect every second, I see and feel it.

My lower masseters are growing larger and stronger.

My mandible and maxilla are rotating upwards and growing upwards in a counterclockwise rotation.

By day and night, my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

By day and night, my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

Every second, my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

Every minute, my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

Every hour, my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

I choose to have my nose change to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

Right now, at this very moment, my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

I love that my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

I am so happy and grateful that my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

I see and feel that my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal.

my nose changes to be more and more attractive according to my ideal more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my jawline grows more and more angular and wider.

By day and night, my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

By day and night, my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

Every second, my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

Every minute, my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

Every hour, my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

I choose to have my ramus grow longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

I love that my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

I see and feel that my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level.

my ramus grows longer and longer to an attractive and ideal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

By day and night, my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

Every second, my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

Every minute, my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

Every hour, my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

I choose to have my skin grow more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

Right now, at this very moment, my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

I love that my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

I am so happy and grateful that my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

I see and feel that my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

my skin is more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

By day and night, my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

Every second, my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

Every minute, my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

Every hour, my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

I choose to have my skin grow more and more moisturized and radiant to my desired level.

Right now, at this very moment, my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

I love that my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

I am so happy and grateful that my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

I see and feel that my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level.

my collagen levels increase more and more to an optimal, consistent, and healthy level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

By day and night, my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

Every second, my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

Every minute, my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

Every hour, my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

I choose to have my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

Right now, at this very moment, my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

I love that my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

I am so happy and grateful that my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

I see and feel that my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level.

my hollow cheeks become more and more prominent to my ideal and optimally attractive level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have hollow cheeks.

I have smooth, clear, and radiant skin.

I have high collagen levels.

I have a long ramus bone.

By day and night, my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

By day and night, my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

Every second, my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

Every minute, my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

Every hour, my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

I choose to have my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

Right now, at this very moment, my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

I love that my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

I am so happy and grateful that my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

I see and feel that my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

my eyes form a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

By day and night, my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

Every second, my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

Every minute, my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

Every hour, my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

I choose to have my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

Right now, at this very moment, my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

I love that my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

I am so happy and grateful that my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

I see and feel that my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness.

my lower eyelids become more and more straight and angular to my ideal attractiveness more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have a long, defined, and down-swung medial canthus.

I have straight, angular and attractive lower eyelids.

By day and night, my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

By day and night, my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

Every second, my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

Every minute, my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

Every hour, my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

I choose to have my canthal tilt become more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

I love that my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

I see and feel that my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level.

my canthal tilt becomes more and more positively tilted to my ideal level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

By day and night, my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

Every second, my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

Every minute, my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

Every hour, my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

I choose to have my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

Right now, at this very moment, my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

I love that my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

I am so happy and grateful that my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

I see and feel that my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal.

my facial features look more and more dominant to my ideal more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

By day and night, my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

Every second, my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

Every minute, my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

Every hour, my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

I choose to have my palpebral fissure become longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

Right now, at this very moment, my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

I love that my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

I am so happy and grateful that my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

I see and feel that my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level.

my palpebral fissure becomes longer and longer to my ideal and attractive level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

By day and night, my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

Every second, my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

Every minute, my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

Every hour, my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

I choose to have my face grow more harmonious and symmetrical

Right now, at this very moment, my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

I love that my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

I am so happy and grateful that my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

I see and feel that my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical.

my face becomes more harmonious and symmetrical more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

By day and night, my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

Every second, my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

Every minute, my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

Every hour, my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

I choose to have my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

Right now, at this very moment, my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

I love that my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

I am so happy and grateful that my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

I see and feel that my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals.

my eyebrows grow more and more to my ideals more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

By day and night, my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

Every second, my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

Every minute, my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

Every hour, my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

I choose to have my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

Right now, at this very moment, my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

I love that my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

I am so happy and grateful that my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

I see and feel that my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals.

my eyelashes grow more and more to my ideals more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have a compact and attractive midface.

By day and night, my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

By day and night, my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

Every second, my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

Every minute, my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

Every hour, my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

I choose to have my sexual stamina increase more and more to my ideal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

I love that my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

I see and feel that my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels.

my sexual stamina increases more and more to my ideal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

By day and night, my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

Every second, my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

Every minute, my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

Every hour, my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

I choose to have my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

Right now, at this very moment, my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

I love that my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

I am so happy and grateful that my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

I see and feel that my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length.

my erections last longer and longer to my ideal length more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

By day and night, my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

Every second, my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

Every minute, my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

Every hour, my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

I choose to have my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

I love that my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

I see and feel that my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels.

my erections grow harder and harder to my ideal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my penis grows longer and longer to my ideal length.

By day and night, my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

By day and night, my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

Every second, my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

Every minute, my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

Every hour, my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

I choose to have my penis grow thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

Right now, at this very moment, my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

I love that my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

I am so happy and grateful that my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

I see and feel that my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth.

my penis grows thicker and thicker to my ideal girth more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent..

By day and night, my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

By day and night, my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

Every second, my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

Every minute, my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

Every hour, my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I choose to have my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

Right now, at this very moment, my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I love that my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I am so happy and grateful that my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I see and feel that my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

my wrists, hands, and forearms grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

Every second, my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

Every minute, my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

Every hour, my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

I choose to have my body grow more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

Right now, at this very moment, my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

I love that my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

I am so happy and grateful that my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

I see and feel that my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional.

my body grows more and more taller, masculine, and ideally proportional more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

Every second, my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

Every minute, my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

Every hour, my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

I choose to have my neck grow wider and wider to my ideal size.

Right now, at this very moment, my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

I love that my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

I am so happy and grateful that my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

I see and feel that my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size.

my neck grows wider and wider to my ideal size more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my neck grows thicker and thicker to my ideal size.

By day and night, my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

By day and night, my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

Every second, my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

Every minute, my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

Every hour, my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

I choose to have my Adam's apple grow to my ideal prominence.

Right now, at this very moment, my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

I love that my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

I am so happy and grateful that my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

I see and feel that my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence.

my Adam's apple grows to my ideal prominence more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I have a large penis.

I have a girthy penis.

I have a huge penis.

I have perfect erections at an upwards angle.

I have harder and harder erections at an upwards angle unto my ideal levels.

By day and night, my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

By day and night, my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

Every second, my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

Every minute, my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

Every hour, my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

I choose to have my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

I love that my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

I see and feel that my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels.

my desired facial and body hair grow more and more to my ideal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

I have perfectly balanced PC muscles.

By day and night, my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

Every second, my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

Every minute, my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

Every hour, my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

I choose to have my face transform more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

Right now, at this very moment, my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

I love that my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

I am so happy and grateful that my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

I see and feel that my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level.

my face transforms more and more into my ideal face to my desired level more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I look like a carbon copy of my ideal face.

By day and night, my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

By day and night, my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

Every second, my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

Every minute, my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

Every hour, my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I choose to have my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size

Right now, at this very moment, my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I love that my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I am so happy and grateful that my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

I see and feel that my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size.

my testicles grow bigger and bigger to my ideal size more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my semen production increases more and more to optimal and healthy levels.

By day and night, my sex skills increase more and more in all of my insights and ideals.

By day and night, my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

Every second, my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

Every minute, my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

Every hour, my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

I choose to have my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels

Right now, at this very moment, my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

I love that my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

I see and feel that my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels.

my sperm and semen production increase more and more to my ideal levels more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I attract more and more girls.

By day and night, I attract more and more women.

By day and night, I attract more and more women and girls.

Every second, I attract more and more women and girls.

Every minute, I attract more and more women and girls.

Every hour, I attract more and more women and girls.

I choose to have I attract more and more women and girls

Right now, at this very moment, I attract more and more women and girls.

I love that I attract more and more women and girls.

I attract more and more women and girls.

I am so happy and grateful that I attract more and more women and girls.

I see and feel that I attract more and more women and girls.

I attract more and more women and girls more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I grow more and more disciplined.

By day and night, I grow more and more disciplined.

Every second, I grow more and more disciplined.

Every minute, I grow more and more disciplined.

Every hour, I grow more and more disciplined.

I choose to have I grow more and more disciplined

Right now, at this very moment, I grow more and more disciplined.

I love that I grow more and more disciplined.

I grow more and more disciplined.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow more and more disciplined.

I see and feel that I grow more and more disciplined.

I grow more and more disciplined more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I get better and better sleep to optimal levels.

By day and night, my workouts and routines improve more and more.

By day and night, I get better and better sleep.

Every second, I get better and better sleep.

Every minute, I get better and better sleep.

Every hour, I get better and better sleep.

I choose to have I get better and better sleep

Right now, at this very moment, I get better and better sleep.

I love that I get better and better sleep.

I get better and better sleep.

I am so happy and grateful that I get better and better sleep.

I see and feel that I get better and better sleep.

I get better and better sleep more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my workouts and routines improve more and more.

Every second, my workouts and routines improve more and more.

Every minute, my workouts and routines improve more and more.

Every hour, my workouts and routines improve more and more.

I choose to have my workouts and routines improve more and more

Right now, at this very moment, my workouts and routines improve more and more.

I love that my workouts and routines improve more and more.

my workouts and routines improve more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that my workouts and routines improve more and more.

I see and feel that my workouts and routines improve more and more.

my workouts and routines improve more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I astral project more and more easily.

Every second, I astral project more and more easily.

Every minute, I astral project more and more easily.

Every hour, I astral project more and more easily.

I choose to have I astral project more and more easily

Right now, at this very moment, I astral project more and more easily.

I love that I astral project more and more easily.

I astral project more and more easily.

I am so happy and grateful that I astral project more and more easily.

I see and feel that I astral project more and more easily.

I astral project more and more easily more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I lucid dream more and more.

Every second, I lucid dream more and more.

Every minute, I lucid dream more and more.

Every hour, I lucid dream more and more.

I choose to have lucid dreams more and more

Right now, at this very moment, I lucid dream more and more.

I love that I lucid dream more and more.

I lucid dream more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I lucid dream more and more.

I see and feel that I lucid dream more and more.

I lucid dream more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I can astral project more and more easily.

By day and night, I can lucid dream more and more.

By day and night, my abilities improve more and more.

By day and night, I develop more and more superpowers.

I have strong, prominent, and hypertrophied medial malaris, lateral malaris, orbicularis oculi muscles.

By day and night, the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

Every second, the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

Every minute, the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

Every hour, the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

I choose to have the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increase more and more

Right now, at this very moment, the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

I love that the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

I see and feel that the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more.

the strength and prominence of my medial malaris, lateral malaris, and orbicularis oculi muscles increases more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

Through the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind, all of my ideal muscles grow more and more to a perfect, attractive and healthy level.

By every second, my muscles grow larger and larger, I feel it.

By every minute, my muscles grow larger and larger, I feel it.

Every hour, my muscles grow larger and larger, I feel and see it.

By day and night, my muscles grow larger and larger, I feel it.

I love that my muscles are growing larger and larger.

I am so happy and grateful that my muscles are growing larger and larger.

I am surging positive strength and energy.

By day and night, my lips become more and more moisturized and smooth to my ideal level.

By day and night, my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

Every second, my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

Every minute, my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

Every hour, my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

I choose to have my intelligence increase more and more indefinitely.

Right now, at this very moment, my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

I love that my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

I am so happy and grateful that my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

I see and feel that my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely.

my intelligence increases more and more indefinitely rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

Every second, my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

Every minute, my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

Every hour, my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

I choose to have my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increase more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

I love that my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

I see and feel that my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more.

my creative, inductive, and deductive ability increases more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

Every second, I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

Every minute, I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

Every hour, I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

I choose to develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

I love that I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

I see and feel that I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more.

I develop the ability to shift into a saiyan state more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night,  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

Every second,  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

Every minute,  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

Every hour,  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

I choose to develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

Right now, at this very moment,  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

I love that  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

I see and feel that  I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

I develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night,  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

Every second,  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

Every minute,  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

Every hour,  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

I choose to develop the ability to intuitively read and measure the fighting prowess of any opponents I encounter more and more.

Right now, at this very moment,  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

I love that  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

 I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

I see and feel that  I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more.

I develop the ability to shift the power and state of all my muscles, mind, and ability into my desired saiyan state instantly more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I am a super saiyan.

I have supernatural and superhuman strength.

By day and night, I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

Every second, I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

Every minute, I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

Every hour, I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

I choose to become more and more energy sensitive and ware to the unseen.

Right now, at this very moment, I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

I love that I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

I am so happy and grateful that I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

I see and feel that I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen.

I become more and more energy sensitive and aware to the unseen rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I enter and practice deep meditation easily.

I execute my desired training routines easily and effortlessly.

By day and night, I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

Every second, I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

Every minute, I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

Every hour, I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

I choose to develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

I love that I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

I see and feel that I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

I develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I am energy sensitive.

I am increasing my sensitivity to energy.

My sensitivity to energy is increasing.

By day and night, I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

Every second, I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

Every minute, I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

Every hour, I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

I choose to develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

I love that I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

I am so happy and grateful that I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

I see and feel that I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily.

I choose to push my capabilities and limits to become stronger and better daily rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my power increases more and more.

Every second, my power increases more and more.

Every minute, my power increases more and more.

Every hour, my power increases more and more.

I choose to develop the ability to manipulate my energy and the energy around me more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, my power increases more and more.

I love that my power increases more and more.

my power increases more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that my power increases more and more.

I see and feel that my power increases more and more.

my power increases more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I create success in everything I do.

Every second, I create success in everything I do.

Every minute, I create success in everything I do.

Every hour, I create success in everything I do.

I choose to create success in everything I do.

Right now, at this very moment, I create success in everything I do.

I love that I create success in everything I do.

I create success in everything I do.

I am so happy and grateful that I create success in everything I do.

I see and feel that I create success in everything I do.

I create success in everything I do rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I am prospered in all my interests.

Every second, I am prospered in all my interests.

Every minute, I am prospered in all my interests.

Every hour, I am prospered in all my interests.

I choose to be prospered in all my interests.

Right now, at this very moment, I am prospered in all my interests.

I love that I am prospered in all my interests.

I am prospered in all my interests.

I am so happy and grateful that I am prospered in all my interests.

I see and feel that I am prospered in all my interests.

I am prospered in all my interests rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I am developing a genius level intelligence.

Every second, I am developing a genius level intelligence.

Every minute, I am developing a genius level intelligence.

Every hour, I am developing a genius level intelligence.

I choose to develop a genius level intelligence.

Right now, at this very moment, I am developing a genius level intelligence.

I love that I am developing a genius level intelligence.

I am developing a genius level intelligence.

I am so happy and grateful that I am developing a genius level intelligence.

I see and feel that I am developing a genius level intelligence.

I am developing a genius level intelligence rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I am a genius.

I am prosperous.

I am a super-genius.

I am a superhuman.

By day and night, I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

Every second, I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

Every minute, I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

Every hour, I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

I choose to develop more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

Right now, at this very moment, I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

I love that I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

I am so happy and grateful that I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

I see and feel that I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities.

I am developing more and more powerful telekinesis abilities rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

Every second, I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

Every minute, I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

Every hour, I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

I choose to synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

Right now, at this very moment, I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

I love that I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

I am so happy and grateful that I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

I see and feel that I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself.

I synthesize and integrate the dark and light sides of my psyche and personality to become the most powerful version of myself rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

Every second, I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

Every minute, I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

Every hour, I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

I choose to draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

Right now, at this very moment, I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

I love that I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

I am so happy and grateful that I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

I see and feel that I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat.

I draw the utmost benefits and nutrition of the foods I eat rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

Every second, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

Every minute, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

Every hour, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

I choose to draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

Right now, at this very moment, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

I love that I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

I am so happy and grateful that I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

I see and feel that I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

Every second, all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

Every minute, all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

Every hour, all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I choose to draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from the foods I eat and from zero point energy.

Right now, at this very moment, all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I love that all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I am so happy and grateful that all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I see and feel that all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

all energy in the foods I eat is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

Every second, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

Every minute, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

Every hour, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

I choose to draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources. 

Right now, at this very moment, I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

I love that I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

I am so happy and grateful that I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

I see and feel that I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources.

I draw power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy from my environment, zero point energy, and desired sources rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

Every second, All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

Every minute, All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

Every hour, All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I choose to have all power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

Right now, at this very moment, All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I love that All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I am so happy and grateful that All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

I see and feel that All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit.

All power, energy, nutrition, chi, ki, and life energy drawn to me and surrounding me is purified and transfigured for my utmost benefit rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I am superman.

By day and night, my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Every second, my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Every minute, my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Every hour, my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I choose to have my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Right now, at this very moment, my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I love that my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I am so happy and grateful that my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I see and feel that my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

my punches, jabs, hooks, and other blocks and strikes grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Every second, my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Every minute, my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Every hour, my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I choose to have my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

Right now, at this very moment, my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I love that my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I am so happy and grateful that my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

I see and feel that my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect.

my front, side, rear, back, inner and outer crescent, roundhouse and tornado kicks grow stronger, more powerful, and more perfect rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

Every second, my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

Every minute, my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

Every hour, my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

I choose to have my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

Right now, at this very moment, my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

I love that my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

I am so happy and grateful that my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

I see and feel that my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster.

my front and back flips, cartwheels, front and back rolls, and kip ups grow easier, more powerful, higher, and faster rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

Every second, strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

Every minute, strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

Every hour, strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

I choose to have my strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

Right now, at this very moment, strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

I love that strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

I am so happy and grateful that strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

I see and feel that strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level.

strikes, blocks, kicks and other moves grow faster and faster to a superhuman level rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Every second, my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Every minute, my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Every hour, my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I choose to have my physique grow better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Right now, at this very moment, my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I love that my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I am so happy and grateful that my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I see and feel that my physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

My physique grows better and better than that of Goku, Baki, Yujiro, Steve Reeves, and Arnold Schwarzenegger rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

My concentration, focus and memory are in peak condition.

My concentration, focus, and memory increase rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, and every hour, permanently.

My learning speed and retention improves rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, and every hour, permanently.

My creativity and imagination are unlimited.

My creativity and imagination increases rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday, and this is permanent.

I see and feel my concentration, focus, memory, mental agility, creativity, and imagination exponentially increasing every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

Every second, I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

Every minute, I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

Every hour, I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

I choose to develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

I love that I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

I see and feel that I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall.

I develop more and more of a photographic memory and instant visual, auditory, and memory recall rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

Every second, my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

Every minute, my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

Every hour, my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

I choose to have my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

Right now, at this very moment, my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

I love that my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

I am so happy and grateful that my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

I see and feel that my hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level.

My hearing and sight grow more and more powerful and adjustable to a superhuman, perfect and ideal level rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

Every second, my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

Every minute, my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

Every hour, my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

I choose to have my hearing and sight restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

Right now, at this very moment, my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

I love that my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

I am so happy and grateful that my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

I see and feel that my hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability.

My hearing and sight are restored to perfect and superhuman health and ability rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

I am incredibly wise and insightful.

I am innovative, entrepreneurial, and inventive.

My IQ and intellectual capacity is limitless and increases rapidly and instantly more and more every second, every minute, every hour, and every day.

By day and night, my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

Every second, my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

Every minute, my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

Every hour, my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

I choose to have my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

Right now, at this very moment, my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

I love that my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

I am so happy and grateful that my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

I see and feel that my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels.

my chakras, energy storage centers, circuits, and meridians are cleared of blockages and energy blockages, and are expanded, strengthened, and energized more and more to optimal and superhuman levels rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

Every second, my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

Every minute, my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

Every hour, my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

I choose to have my intelligence increase more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

Right now, at this very moment, my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

I love that my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

I am so happy and grateful that my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

I see and feel that my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes.

my intelligence increases more and more above that of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Tony Stark, and Sherlock Holmes rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

Every second, I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

Every minute, I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

Every hour, I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

I choose to develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

I love that I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

I see and feel that I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions.

I develop the ability to manipulate my aura to give off my desired effects, powers, abilities, and social impressions rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

By day and night, I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

Every second, I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

Every minute, I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

Every hour, I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

I choose to develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

I love that I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

I see and feel that I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking.

I develop the ability to manipulate the size, color, visibility and potency of my aura to my liking rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday and this is permanent.

My mind’s capacity increases more and more every second, I feel it.

I can process unlimited amounts of information.

By day and night, I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

Every second, I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

Every minute, I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

Every hour, I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

I choose to develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

I love that I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

I see and feel that I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body.

I develop the ability to manipulate the flow of energy and Chi in my body to harden, strengthen, grow, or affect any part of my body rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

Every second, I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

Every minute, I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

Every hour, I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

I choose to develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

I love that I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

I see and feel that I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2.

I develop the ability to transfigure energy and chi into nutrition and sustenance for my body and my desired changes, such as proteins, calcium, boron, fats, nutrients and vitamin K2 rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

Every second, my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

Every minute, my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

Every hour, my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

I choose to have my strength increase more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

Right now, at this very moment, my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

I love that my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

I am so happy and grateful that my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

I see and feel that my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level.

my strength increases more and more above that of Goku, Saitama to a superhuman level rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

Every second, I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

Every minute, I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

Every hour, I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

I choose to develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

I love that I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

I see and feel that I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more.

I develop the ability to create psychic, energetic weapons, armor, and other items more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

Every second, I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

Every minute, I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

Every hour, I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

I choose to develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

I love that I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

I see and feel that I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength.

I develop more and more durability, endurance, and stamina in tandem with my infinitely increasing strength rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

Every second, I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

Every minute, I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

Every hour, I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

I choose to develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

I love that I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

I see and feel that I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability.

I develop more and more stealth, agility, and acrobatic ability rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I become more and more strategic and analytical.

Every second, I become more and more strategic and analytical.

Every minute, I become more and more strategic and analytical.

Every hour, I become more and more strategic and analytical.

I choose to become more and more strategic and analytical.

Right now, at this very moment, I am becoming more and more strategic and analytical.

I love that I become more and more strategic and analytical.

I become more and more strategic and analytical.

I am so happy and grateful that I become more and more strategic and analytical.

I see and feel that I become more and more strategic and analytical.

I become more and more strategic and analytical rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

Every second, I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

Every minute, I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

Every hour, I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

I choose to become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

Right now, at this very moment, I am becoming more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

I love that I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

I am so happy and grateful that I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

I see and feel that I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational.

I become more and more observant, cunning, perceptive, witty, calculating, and rational rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

Every second, I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

Every minute, I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

Every hour, I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

I choose to develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control. 

I love that I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

I see and feel that I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control.

I develop more and more control over my mind, body, and psychology until my optimal and perfect control rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

Every second, I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

Every minute, I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

Every hour, I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

I choose to develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey. 

I love that I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

I see and feel that I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey.

I develop perfect communication with my subconscious mind, superconscious mind, intuition, and infinite intelligence, guiding me to optimal perfection in my journey rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop more and more spiritually.

Every second, I develop more and more spiritually.

Every minute, I develop more and more spiritually.

Every hour, I develop more and more spiritually.

I choose to develop more and more spiritually.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop more and more spiritually. 

I love that I develop more and more spiritually.

I develop more and more spiritually.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop more and more spiritually.

I see and feel that I develop more and more spiritually.

I develop more and more spiritually rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

Every second, my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

Every minute, my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

Every hour, my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

I choose to develop more and more spiritually.

Right now, at this very moment, my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits. 

I love that my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

I am so happy and grateful that my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

I see and feel that my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits.

my mental, psychological, spiritual, physical and metaphysical state is improving without limits rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

Every second, I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

Every minute, I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

Every hour, I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

I choose to develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch. 

I love that I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

I see and feel that I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch.

I develop better and better superhuman senses of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

Every second, I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

Every minute, I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

Every hour, I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

I choose to grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex. 

I love that I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

I see and feel that I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex.

I grow my endurance, speed, explosiveness, and stamina in running, fighting, and sex rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

Every second, I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

Every minute, I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

Every hour, I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

I choose to grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor. 

I love that I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

I see and feel that I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor.

I grow my dexterity, reaction time, reflexes, self-sustenance, health, and supernatural healing factor rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

Every second, I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

Every minute, I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

Every hour, I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

I choose to grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

Right now, at this very moment, I am growing and developing a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150. 

I love that I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

I see and feel that I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150.

I grow and develop a jumping and leaping ability similar to that of a flea, I can jump my body length multiplied by 220 and can jump my body height multiplied by 150 rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

Every second, I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

Every minute, I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

Every hour, I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

I choose to grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy. 

I love that I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy.

I grow and develop my jumping and leaping ability more and more to an infinite potential in tandem with my ability to make superhuman landings keeping my body, bones, and tendons invincible and healthy rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

Every second, I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

Every minute, I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

Every hour, I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

I choose to grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities. 

I love that I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities.

I grow and develop my balancing abilities, my accuracy and precision, my survivability and self preservation abilities rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health.

I grow and develop my ability to withstand and overcome G-Forces, supersonic barriers, air pressure, and friction forces whilst maintaining my invincibility and perfect health rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

Every second, I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

Every minute, I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

Every hour, I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

I choose to grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption. 

I love that I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

I see and feel that I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption.

I grow invincible to all harmful environmental factors and elements such as heat, cold, and radiation, and develop my ability to transfigure their energies into positive and pure energies for my absorption rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

Every second, I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

Every minute, I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

Every hour, I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

I choose to grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically. 

I love that I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

I see and feel that I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically.

I grow and develop a superhuman regeneration ability that can be applied at my discretion and shared to heal others both energetically, spiritually, metaphysically, and physically rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions.

I grow and develop my ability to completely clear my mind of all thoughts and distractions rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow.

I grow and develop my ability to 'harden' any part of my body through energetic and Chi manipulation and flow rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

Every second, I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

Every minute, I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

Every hour, I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

I choose to grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty. 

I love that I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty.

I grow and develop my supernatural sex appeal, allure, attractiveness, dominance, libido, and beauty rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body.

I grow and develop my ability to send energetic blasts or Chi blasts from my body rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others.

I grow and develop my ability for telepathic communication and the ability to hear and sense the thoughts of others rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more.

I grow and develop my ability for teleportation, dimensional jumping, and shifting more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more.

I grow and develop my ability for superhuman sight in which I have the ability to zoom in more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms.

I grow and develop my ability to reach all super saiyan forms rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy.

I grow and develop my ability to draw unlimited and infinite amounts of energy rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly.

I grow and develop my ability for a sixth sense or ultra instinct in which I unconsciously and subconsciously dodge any danger and attacks perfectly rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning.

I grow and develop my ability to control and bend all elements of fire, water, air, earth, and lightning rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence.

I grow and develop my ability for accurate and concise predictions and preemptive actions, remote viewing, and remote influence rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

I choose to grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy.

I grow and develop my ability to summon, create or transfigure any item, weapon, or tool out of my surrounding matter or energy rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis.

I grow and develop my ability for aerokinesis, hydrokinesis, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, geokinesis, and electrokinesis rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more.

I grow and develop my ability for chronokinesis, the ability to control time through slowing time, speeding time, stopping time, resuming time, and skipping time more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

Every second, I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

Every minute, I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

Every hour, I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

I choose to grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite. 

I love that I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite.

I grow and develop my willpower to allow me to always improve, succeed, and overcome limitations, rendering me limitless and infinite rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once.

I grow and develop my ability for photographic reflexes and learning, allowing me to perform any movement, style, action and strike after seeing and observing it once rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

Every second, I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

Every minute, I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

Every hour, I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

I choose to grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control. 

I love that I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control.

I grow and develop my ability for weather manipulation and control rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

Every second, I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

Every minute, I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

Every hour, I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

I choose to grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more. 

I love that I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

I see and feel that I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more.

I grow and develop my psychic and psionic abilities more and more rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

Every second, I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

Every minute, I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

Every hour, I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

I choose to develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility. 

I love that I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

I see and feel that I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility.

I develop a healthy and invulnerable body with perfect health and hydration of my joints, tendons and muscles for my perfect invincibility rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

Every second, I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

Every minute, I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

Every hour, I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

I choose to check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

Right now, at this very moment, I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams. 

I love that I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

I am so happy and grateful that I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

I see and feel that I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams.

I check my awareness and lucidity, asking myself am I dreaming right now? and performing reality checks to achieve lucidity and consistent awareness and control in my dreams rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

Every second, I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

Every minute, I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

Every hour, I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

I choose to have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

Right now, at this very moment, I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory. 

I love that I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

I am so happy and grateful that I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

I see and feel that I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory.

I have vivid dreams with full awareness, consciousness, control, and memory rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

Every second, I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

Every minute, I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

Every hour, I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

I choose to grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

Right now, at this very moment, I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly. 

I love that I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

I am so happy and grateful that I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

I see and feel that I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly.

I grow my visualization and lucid dreaming abilities easily and effortlessly rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

Every second, I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

Every minute, I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

Every hour, I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

I choose to develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

Right now, at this very moment, I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health. 

I love that I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

I am so happy and grateful that I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

I see and feel that I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health.

I develop my ability to draw pure and positive atomic energy from the atoms surrounding me and from the foods i eat more and more safely and for my optimal and perfect health rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

Every second, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

Every minute, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

Every hour, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

I choose to utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

Right now, at this very moment, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth. 

I love that I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

I am so happy and grateful that I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

I see and feel that I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth.

I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to synthesize the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other requisites for my ideal height growth rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

Every second, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

Every minute, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

Every hour, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

I choose to utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

Right now, at this very moment, I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes. 

I love that I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

I am so happy and grateful that I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

I see and feel that I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes.

I utilize my absorbed and created chi and energy to charge and support my intended manifestations, intentions, and physical, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical changes rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

My mind performs, executes, and simulates these automated activities, training, and stretches to yield its benefits as if I were physically executing them.

By day and night, I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

Every second, I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

Every minute, I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

Every hour, I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

I choose to perform inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

Right now, at this very moment, I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection. 

I love that I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

I am so happy and grateful that I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

I see and feel that I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection.

I am performing inverted situps with boots, stretching my spine and causing height growth and posture perfection rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

Every second, I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

Every minute, I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

Every hour, I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

I choose to perform an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

Right now, at this very moment, I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides. 

I love that I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

I am so happy and grateful that I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

I see and feel that I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides.

I am performing an arm and leg stretch laying down on my back and sides rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

Every second, my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

Every minute, my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

Every hour, my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

I choose to have my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

Right now, at this very moment, my mind and body's state returns to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth. 

I love that my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

I am so happy and grateful that my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

I see and feel that my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth.

my mind and body's state return to a period and condition optimal for my infinite and additional height growth rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

Every second, my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

Every minute, my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

Every hour, my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

I choose to have my melatonin production and levels increase for my optimal height growth.

Right now, at this very moment, my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth. 

I love that my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

I am so happy and grateful that my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

I see and feel that my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth.

my melatonin production and levels are increasing for my optimal height growth rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

By day and night, my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

Every second, my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

Every minute, my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

Every hour, my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

I choose to have my melatonin production and levels increase for my optimal height growth.

Right now, at this very moment, my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body. 

I love that my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

I am so happy and grateful that my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

I see and feel that my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body.

my body transfigures and changes into my ideal body rapidly and instantly, every second, every minute, every hour, and everyday.

Infinite intelligence leads and guides me in all my ways. Perfect health is mine, and the Law of Harmony operates in my mind and body. Beauty, love, peace, and abundance are mine. The principle of right action and divine order govern my entire life. I know my major premise is based on the eternal truths of life, and I know, feel, and believe that my subconscious mind responds according to the nature of my conscious mind thinking.

These affirmations are fully ingrained into my exoconsciousness, conscious mind, consciousness, Superconscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, human experience, physical experience, non physical experience, dormant mind and unconscious mind.

Thank you.

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